Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Seven Months Away

Wow it is so hard to believe that we are only seven months away from a grand day. SEVEN.
The time is flying by so quickly. She radiates with Joy. He smiles grandly. Life is on the precept of CHANGE. Their first and lasts of many moments are taking place for them and will continue over the course of the next few months. I just pray that every takes a deep breath and enjoys all of them for it is full of excitement of the unknown. It is also a moment to never rush and push the Master, however a moment to give it ALL over to the King and Bathe everything in the BENDED KNEES of a servitude Heart FOCUS on the KINGDOM DIVIDENDS. Request and await the answers sought for what is BEST for the future that will very soon be the PRESENT.

Jeremiah 33:3

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